Hand Psychology

My mission has always been to bring scientific information about our LEFT and Right Brain information and how it ties in with Hand Psychology, this also is related to our Karmic and Dharmic energy…

I have been trained by some brilliant people whom understand the Human condition.

The Art of Hand Psychology, anabella de corroWe all repeat Karmic pattern if we do not alter our perspective  of how we  view ourselves, we seen to run into the same situations or repeat the same suffering over and over , every seven year cycle we will continue to run into the same obstacles, they can be emotional, Financial or our family karma.

Hand Psychology is all about healing, Life editing and redirecting your intentions,  your energy and to a  flood-gate of learning how  to polish your inner DIAMOND…

Fact:  the Lines of our Hands change according to how we are  advancing.

Left Hand is your Karmic unless you are left handed, then it becomes your Dharmic hand and these Lines with be changing depending on how you are developing your Intuitive Knowledge.

If you are Right Handed this will be your Dharmic hand and the lines will alter..

Left Hand for most of us will be the Karmic Hand and will allow us to analyze your karmic tendencies what you have as a residual…  It is all about filtering out the Karmic tendency that could be holding you back from your deeper inner and outer Life Path…


A session of hand Psychology tied into Karmic Dharmic analysis is here to activate the the Right Brain  and share how are Hands are wired into our Brain.  Activation of Intuitive side of the Brain through this wonderful empowering sessions and  workshops that I offer are all about how we polish or activate our wisdom and are able to apply to our secular life…EMPOWERING is the Key with every session…

Anabella de Corro, hand

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